Why Do Large Language Models Struggle with Mathematical Computations? A Deep Dive into the Intricacies of AI

In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, problem-solving remains a critical skill.

In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, problem-solving remains a critical skill. Whether it’s a human tasked with composing an email for an unfamiliar company or an AI model like ChatGPT trying to craft the perfect message, the challenges are surprisingly similar. LLMs, or Large Language Models, despite their immense knowledge, might sometimes produce outputs that seem out of sync, primarily because they lack specific insights into your organization.

Reimagining AI’s Proactive Approach

But what if we could reshape this narrative? Imagine if, before responding to an email, AI could sift through internal documents, tap into a knowledge base, or even scour a company’s website for pertinent information. This proactive approach is precisely what ReAct automated prompting brings to the table.

How Does ReAct Work?

ReAct, in essence, is designed to emulate human-like iterative thinking. The process is broken down into three primary steps:

  1. Assessment: Here, the AI evaluates the situation, determining the most appropriate tool and strategy to employ.
  2. Execution: The chosen tool or strategy is then deployed to gather the necessary information or data.
  3. Evaluation: The AI reviews the output, deciding whether it’s adequate or if additional tools and steps are needed before crafting a final response.

In this context, “tools” can span a wide array, from an internal company knowledge base, an internet browser, to even a basic calculator.

ReAct in Action

To provide a clearer picture, consider the task of crafting an email. An AI powered by ReAct might autonomously decide to consult a company’s knowledge base to glean insights about its policies. It might then delve into the company’s product and service offerings, and finally source contact information—all in a bid to draft an effective email.

But emails are just the tip of the iceberg. This robust technique has the potential to revolutionize numerous tasks, automating processes traditionally reserved for humans. The once perceived limitations of AI reasoning are rapidly diminishing.

The Future of Generative AI

While free, public, general-purpose chatbots like ChatGPT or Bard may not yet boast these capabilities, custom solutions, such as those offered by Awakast, are bridging the gap, paving the way for a more intuitive and advanced AI experience.


Interested in harnessing the power of advanced reasoning in your AI solutions? Let’s elevate your generative AI capabilities to unprecedented heights. Reach out, and let’s discuss the future of AI!